Maria helped me distinguish between what I truly enjoy doing to reach those self-care goals and have fun doing it. I track my progress in a way that makes sense to me. Even though I liked a variety of activities before, I am crystal clear on what types of exercise I want to do, versus what I should do, and how those two can overlap. Even better, I have a deeper appreciation for the phase of my life that I am in. Every aspect of the course has contributed to the best version of myself at at time when I needed it the most.

New Moves Coaching Client
Who am I?
Hi there, I'm Dr. Maria Luque. You can think of me as your go-to expert in menopause fitness. I'm also a dedicated health science professor, a proud Air Force veteran, and, most importantly, a mom to an incredible daughter. Just like many of you, I'm navigating the perimenopausal journey myself, so I truly get it—the ups, the downs, and those moments when it feels like your body just isn't on your team anymore. Have you ever felt like you've lost your spark during menopause? You're not alone. It's a maze out there, with so many overwhelming and sometimes scary "solutions" for menopause. It's almost like everyone's trying to outsmart a phase of life that's completely natural.
That's why I created Fitness In Menopause and my New Moves TM coaching program. My approach is all about enhancing your quality of life in menopause*. You won't get catchy promises from me about weight loss or hacking your metabolism. Instead, I help you tap into your own wisdom and self-knowledge. I'm all about helping you find out what drives you, understand your personal goals, and recognize your unique challenges and strengths. We'll work together to create not just effective workout routines but movement practices that you'll actually enjoy. Because here's the deal: I believe in making menopause a time to get stronger, healthier, more balanced, and yes, even more adventurous and fun!
If this sounds better than spending more time and money in the anti-aging wilderness, and are ready for a real change, let’s connect.
There are many ways to work with me. Ready to explore your options? Click here.
*the topic of my PhD thesis, as a matter of fact.
Read my storyI will help you get STRONGER, HEALTHIER, SANER, and more open to FUN and ADVENTURE in menopause.
New Moves in Menopause
In-depth coaching for improved body image and quality of life in menopause. Make friends with your body, explore new ways to move your body, and do more of what you love! Includes weekly coaching sessions with Dr. Maria, a science-based, but fun, curriculum with 5 Modules with worksheets, and more. 10-week VIP 1:1 or 8 week Group options available.
Learn MoreOnline (App) Coaching
One of the biggest challenges I hear from women is that during the menopausal transition, their bodies don't seem to respond the same as they did before. I will work with you to create the best exercise routine for YOU. Every workout is custom-designed specifically for you, considering your goals, equipment, fitness level, time, and likes/dislikes. You can access your workout library any time via my app and ask me as many questions as you need.
Learn More1:1 Personal Training
During menopause, your body goes through some drastic changes. You may find that the workouts that used to work no longer do. Private coaching is an excellent way to focus on your specific needs and goals. If you’ve been told you have to put up with a certain amount of repetitive boredom if you’re ever going to see “results," you've come to the right place.
Learn MoreWorkshops / Speaking
I specialize in helping women tap into their own wisdom and knowledge through science and compassion. I have a passion of helping women in midlife take charge of their health and quality of life as they transition through menopause. I can share my expertise on topics relating to:
- Fitness
- Peri/Menopause
- Body Image
- Bone Health
- Quality of Life & More
Menopause Fitness Consultation
Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or want to maximize your fitness routine to improve your quality of life in menopause, I can help. Consultations begin with a detailed questionnaire that teaches us both about your particular needs and challenges. Then, over the course of this sixty-minute session, I’ll gather information and devise a roadmap for your fitness journey going forward.
Learn More
Menopausal Fitness: Training The Menopausal Client
Are you a fitness pro that works with middle-aged women? Middle-aged women report a lack of understanding and education as a significant problem when picking a fitness professional. Stand out as a fitness pro that understands that women in mid-life need to be understood as having their own possibilities and challenges. "Menopausal Fitness: Training the Menopausal Client," a course for fitness pros.
Learn MoreWhat's Your Menopause Fitness Personality?
Okay, I wrote a What’s-Your-Fitness-Personality quiz and it’s not a gimmick.
( Do we really need another “Which Golden Girl Are You?” )
Should you take five minutes out of your busy day to answer enlightening questions intended to teach you about yourself?
Yes, please!